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Case Studies

Photoactivated Reductive Defluorination Destruction of Fluorochemicals in Semiconductor Manufacturing Waste

Study Highlights
  • PRD achieved 64% defluorination of Aquatar at low UV doses.
  • Fluoride ion release confirmed PFAS destruction.
  • PRD integrates with PFASigator® for large-scale treatment.
  • PFAS destruction costs ~$0.01/L wastewater, ~$0.70/L concentrate.

Firetruck Cleaning and Simultaneous PFAS Destruction using PFASigator®

Enspired Solutions conducted a pilot demonstration using our groundbreaking PFAS destruction equipment, the PFASigator®, to decontaminate a firetruck at Tyndall Airforce Base. During the successful project, Enspired performed simultaneous PFAS removal and destruction, maximized PFAS desorption from equipment interior surfaces, minimized waste volume, and met client effluent regulatory limits and time constraints.

Pilot Demonstration of PFASigator™ PFAS Destruction in Groundwater Concentrate

In November 2023, Enspired Solutions conducted a pilot demonstration of our groundbreaking PFAS destruction technology, the PFASigator™. During the successful project, we were able to efficiently destroy PFAS in groundwater concentrate at an industrial site, meet client effluent regulatory limits, and achieve zero off-site PFAS disposal.

Enspired Solutions’ PFAS Reductive Defluorination at Work

In June 2023, we completed a successful field test of PFAS destruction in landfill leachate using our unique photo-activated reductive defluorination (PRD) chemistry at a site in Michigan. In the time-series graph below, you can observe the following outcomes...

PRD Efficacy and Site-specific Cost for PFAS Destruction in Surface Water Concentrate

Study Highlights

  • Destroyed over 99.99% of PFAS in foam fractionate
  • Reduced total PFAS concentration from 4,000,000 to 320 ng/L
  • Estimated site-specific cost for PFAS destruction at $ $3.91/gallon concentrate